EPISODE 157 - Business Wisdom From The Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 2:9 - 11

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In this episode, I talk about business wisdom from the Scriptures, and I bring out the passage in Ecclesiastes 2:9 - 11.  In it, we see King Solomon having it all in life, yet realizing that in the end, those things are not the most important things in life.  As it relates to being a professional gutter cleaner, I make the following points:
  • Our business should only serve to be a means to a greater end
  • We don't want to build a business that we will have to serve for the rest of our lives, but rather one that will serve us and our families
  • It's all going to be dust in the wind someday, but we can leverage it into something that will last generation after generation.
EPISODE 157 - Business Wisdom From The Scriptures:  Ecclesiastes 2:9 - 11
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